Accurate, faith-filled LDS answers on Joseph Smith’s polygamy, evolution, parenting, Latter-day prophecy, historical issues and other “Mormon stumpers”.
Did Joseph Smith describe the Book of Mormon translation process?
How did Joseph Smith translate the plates from which the Book...

Latter-day Answers is dedicated to providing real answers to all the tough questions regarding Latter-day Saint history & doctrine.
Family & Lifestyle Answers: We believe the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ holds hope and healing for the dilemmas we face in our world, nations, communities, homes and individual lives. How does the Gospel provide answers for parenting, teen rebellion, marriage and relationships, education, addiction, and more? Learn more!
Faith Crisis Answers: Many struggle to resolve concerns dealing with Joseph Smith’s polygamy, evolution, education, parenting, latter-day prophecy, historical issues and many other “Mormon stumpers.” Latter-day Answers provides accurate, faith-filled answers that tell the real story with the real facts and the real history.